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Multifunctional energy measuring devices with REST API

Web services are playing a key role in the growth of companies in a digital world. That’s why Phoenix Contact tirelessly research web technologies and incorporate well-designed solutions into our industrial components.

One of these solutions now enables our EMpro devices to communicate via the REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface).

This interface allows you to easily integrate measured data and device data into your building management system without any existing knowledge of industrial network communication.

REST API has the following advantages

  • Enables fast and convenient system integration
  • Simplified data analysis
  • Increased security due to read only concept
  • HTTP/REST/JSON format is usable in almost all programming languages
  • A lot of software developers already know the concept of REST APIs from other projects
Learn more

Direct Cloud connectivity without a gateway

Access your measured data and component data anywhere in the world, without using an additional IoT gateway. The IoT-capable EMpro device is able to transfer its data directly and securely to the cloud using a router enabling you to see

  • Device Management
  • State of Health
  • Time Series Data Services
Learn more

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