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Toolstation to host supplier trade show in celebration of 20 years

Toolstation, one of Britain’s fastest growing suppliers of tools, accessories and building supplies, will be hosting a trade show between the 15th and...

Screwfix drives forward apprenticeship agenda by championing apprentices across its business

Screwfix is driving forward with its successful apprenticeship agenda as the UK celebrates National Apprenticeship Week.Whether it’s customers or...

Zest to support Dementia UK as its 2023 charity

Timber garden furniture, grow your own and decorative garden structure specialist, Zest, part of the P&A Group, is to raise money for Dementia UK, the...

DIY export reports available from BHETA

DIY and home improvement suppliers who are involved in export or keen to start international trading can now obtain ideal and up to date information from...

•  Sustainability innovator helps founder bag Dragons’ Den investment
•  GCA members vote Wyevale Nurseries as Associate Member of the Year
•  MKM building supplies launches world first CX website, boosting traffic by 16% in just four weeks 
•  Wickes opens new store in Bolton
•  Covers acquires Wingham Timber
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Neil Mead
Tel: +44 [0]7976 255274
Sallie Payne
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699151

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