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Buy It Direct rescues Better Bathrooms in another turn around win

The Buy it Direct Group, one of the UK’s leading online appliance, IT and home retailers, has turned around bathroom retailer, Better Bathrooms from administration to being a profitable company in...

New report - How can DIY retailers reactivate abandoned online shopping baskets?

Go Inspire Group have just launched a revealing new report providing evidence that the combination of email and postal mail can double reactivation of abandoned baskets compared to email...

Scruffs’ social investment sends sales soaring

Scruffs, one of the UK’s fastest growing performance workwear brand, is reaping the rewards for itsinvestment in social media for its viral ‘fly on the...

Nicola Lewis wins Dulux Academy’s ultimate wallpapering challenge

Dulux Academy has crowned Nicola Lewis of Mrs Lewis’ Decorating Company from Matlock the winner of the third annual Dulux Academy Design and Decorate...

•  The Northern Homebuilding & Renovating Show is set to re-build property ambitions for the region
•  Dulux Decorator Centre expands specialist product range
•  Bradford garden centre to host half term charity family planting event
•  Fenwick to headline at BHETA Forum
•  First time buyers and renters go months without furniture when moving into a new property
•  Successful Bathroom and Kitchen Conference delivers tools for success in the brave new world
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Neil Mead
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699110
Sallie Payne
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699151

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