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Fire at Strikes garden centre has "destroyed most of the centre"

A huge fire broke out at Strikes Garden Centre in Stokesley on Friday evening (April 6), causing massive damage to the majority of the centre.  Fire crews...

63% of homeowners admit to not knowing where to start with DIY tasks, says YouGov

A new survey from YouGov, on behalf of John Lewis Home Solutions, has found that the nation's homeowners are turning to tradespeople to carry out even the...

Spring gathering for Independents

The sun shined down on Independent retailers as they came together at Morris Mica in Alcester on Sunday for the first of two Spring Mica Co-operative...

Gender pay gap in the DIY and Garden industry revealed

Today marks the deadline for businesses to submit a report with their gender pay gap figures, which has since revealed that the average pay gap in the UK is...

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Tel: +44 [0]1622 699161
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Tel: +44 [0]1622 699151
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