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Latest Headlines
Survey to boost women’s careers in RACHP  launched

The Women in RACHP Network is encouraging everyone in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector to take a survey to be in with a chance of...

Chill challenge: affordable off-grid refrigeration for developing countries

Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) has launched a challenge competition to develop innovative refrigeration technologies for off-grid households in the...

BESA Conference takes on health challenge

A report from the global management consultancy McKinsey identified human ‘wellness’ as the next “trillion dollar industry” and the role of building engineering in this booming market will be top...

 Carel expands capacity in the United States

The expansion of Carel's plant in Manheim, Pennsylvania has been inaugurated. The addition of 40.000 square foot to the Group’s North American headquarters will help increase Carel’s presence in...

Company News
Lynn Sencicle
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699119
Daniel Friend
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699113
Classified Sales Executive
(print copy of ACR News)
Catriona Burke
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699122

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