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Rising temperatures increase commercial acr call-outs

The hottest day of 2018 – 26 July – resulted in an 85 percent increase in commercial acr emergency call-outs. With forecasters predicting record summer temperatures of up to 40...

Nusrat Ghani MP visits Aspen Pumps

Nusrat Ghani, Conservative MP for Wealden, visited Hailsham-based Aspen Pumps Group recently, following the company’s third Queens Award for Enterprise. ...

Airedale opens doors to data centre customers

Air conditioning manufacturer Airedale International, held an open day last week for its data centre customers at its manufacturing plant in Rawdon,...

Aggreko urges heatwave contingency plans

As Europe faces one of the worst heatwaves in its history, Aggreko has urged businesses to address their power and cooling equipment contingency plans. ...

Precision nears completion of factory investment programme

Independent manufacturer Precision Refrigeration is nearing completion of its £250,000 factory investment programme, intended to prepare the business for...

Climalife hosts annual golf day

Each year Climalife UK hosts a golf event for customers and colleagues in the cooling industry. This year’s June event took the team to...

Pump House holds annual fishing trip

Pump House’s annual fishing event, hosted at Woodland View Fisheries on Wednesday 19 June 2019, raised £600 for the Maytree charity in honour of a previous employee, Luke Beard.   Janice Bolton of Pump House commented: “Having seen torrential rain the night before, we were sceptical of the attendance but this industry never fails to amaze me, making me incredibility proud to be part of the team at Pump House and all the staff at woodland view fisheries for hosting yet...

Company News
Lynn Sencicle
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699119
Colin Ball
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699167
Classified Sales Executive
(print copy of ACR News)
Catriona Burke
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699122

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