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Latest Headlines
New facility sees Chemours triple Opteon YF capacity

Chemours has announced the start-up of its new Opteon YF (HFO-1234yf) low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant production facility at its Corpus...

Coolair expands aftersales service nationwide

Air conditioning and heating installation specialist, Coolair Equipment, has expanded its servicing and maintenance operations nationwide. ...

CIBSE and BSRIA support World Refrigeration Day

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) and the Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) have become the latest bodies to support World Refrigeration...

Precision to invest in production facilities

Following continued growth and the need for further capacity in its factory, Precision Refrigeration has announced a £250,000 investment into its production...

Perfect storm for engineering services in Q4 of 2018

The latest sector-wide Building Engineering Business Survey, sponsored by Scolmore, has revealed that 26 percent of businesses reported increased turnover, while another 26 percent said turnover...

ACS Cool helps Huws Gray with expansion roll-out

Wrexham-based air conditioning company ACS Cool is playing a crucial role as builders’ merchant Huws Gray rapidly expands across the UK. ...

Company News
Lynn Sencicle
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699119
Colin Ball
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699167
Classified Sales Executive
(print copy of ACR News)
Catriona Burke
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699122

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