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SBS is going green

Smith Brothers Stores (SBS) has developed more green initiatives to help reduce wastage and greenhouse gases within the company, including the purchase...

Capital Cooling exclusive distributor of Ilsa

Capital Cooling is bringing Italian manufacturing to the UK market by adding Ilsa Refrigeration to its growing equipment portfolio. The...

John Emm receives inaugural HRS-WRD Award

John Emm was the recipient of the new HRS-WRD award, conceived to celebrate World Refrigeration Day. ?The Hampshire Refrigeration Society's (HRS) 32nd golf...

HRS 32nd golf tournament

The Hampshire Refrigeration Society (HRS) pulled out all the stops again at its latest golf tournament. The venue was the prestigious Old Thorns Hotel and...

Lynn Sencicle
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699119
Daniel Friend
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699113
Classified Sales Executive
(print copy of ACR News)
Catriona Burke
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699122

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