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Latest Headlines Editor's Blog
Moran’s Murphy on PPE charity donation quest

Bart Murphy, operations director of London builders merchant MP Moran is collecting PPE for NHS staff at a north London hospital and he needs donations from merchants and suppliers to help.

“My wife Marisa and I, are on an NHS mission,” he says. “We want to raise vital funds to source appropriate PPE for NHS staff which is currently not getting through to them. The quicker we get funds the...

Day 8 in the BMJ House

Things I have learned in the last week and a bit. ...

Joe Wicks is A GOD. Not only has he made it his mission to keep the nation’s school-children physically active for half-an-hour-a-day (and their far less fit parents), but his #PEWithJoe sessions are beaming round the world, attracting millions of views on YouTube and gaining him TV coverage across the globe.


Merchants and the Coronavirus crisis Secretary of State thanks merchants for critical support BMJ Industry Awards: 2020 Finalists Revealed! Bradfords supports front-line workers through pandemic


•  Marshalls donates to new Manchester hospital build
•  BMF P&H Spring Forum to be held on-line
•  Myers Group invests £200,000 in security upgrade at 19 sites across Yorkshire
•  Frank Key Group suspends trading due to Covid-19
•  Runaway train goes down the tracks at Clitheroe



Contacts Builders Merchants Journal Portfolio
Fiona Russell-Horne
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699101

Dawn Tucker
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699148
Burim Osmani
Tel: +44 [0]1622 699174
Magazine Awards Website

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